This page provides information on legislation that has been introduced and falls under the jurisdiction of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Date Title
2/12/21 S.Res.49 - An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
2/8/21 S.276 - A bill to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to include a prohibition on the listing of a living nonnative species as a threatened species or an endangered species, and for other purposes.
2/8/21 S.277 - A bill to exempt from the Lacey Act and the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 certain water transfers between any of the States of Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana, and for other purposes.
2/8/21 S.307 - A bill to amend the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 to authorize the Secretary of Commerce to make grants for travel promotion, and for other purposes.
2/8/21 S.283 - A bill to establish a National Climate Bank.
2/8/21 S.282 - A bill to designate a portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness.
2/4/21 S.233 - A bill to designate the Rocksprings Station of the U.S. Border Patrol located on West Main Street in Rocksprings, Texas, as the "Donna M. Doss Border Patrol Station".
2/4/21 S.218 - A bill to approve certain advanced biofuel registrations, to require the consideration of certain advanced biofuel pathways, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and for other purposes.
2/3/21 S.216 - A bill to direct the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a grant program to award grants to eligible entities to purchase and install, as applicable, zero emissions port equipment and technology, and for other purposes.
2/3/21 S.193 - Adopt GREET Act